Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Tips And Tricks For Clan Wars | Clash Of Clans

Every player want to win the clan wars. So let me give you some tips and tricks:

1. Clan Wars Raids Require Different Strategies when raiding for resources, the cost of your army is an important concern. You might use spells, Giants and Wall Breakers sparingly, for instance, since they’re so expensive. The rewards in Clan Wars are much greater, even if the base is relatively weak. Plus, you’re benefiting the entire clan with every star you earn. Thus, the price of your army is a lot less important. Go all out!

Enemy Clan Castle troops can ruin your raid. Usually in regular raiding, finding a full Clan Castle is a bit unusual. In Clan Wars, though, Clan Castle troops are all but guaranteed. It’s also likely that they’re going to come from the most well-developed base in the Clan War. The Clan Castle has a large attack radius, so it’s possible to “sucker” them out and into a part of the map where you can deal with them more easily. Once they’ve left the Clan Castle, these troops will head towards your attacking forces, regardless of where they are on the map.

It takes time to get all the troops out of the Clan Castle. If there are a lot of them, and you send a single, easily killed troop in to lure them out, you might not get all of them out on the first try. I also see a lot of people use the wrong troops or in the wrong configuration to fight a Clan Castle troop formation. For instance, Wizards do splash damage. Grouping up your troops to attack Clan Castle Wizards is not particularly effective.

For instance, say there’s a mortar tower in a critical area and you’ve got 2 lightning spells ready to take it out. If you drop one troop within the Clan Castle radius and get the Clan Castle troops to chase that guy over top of the mortar tower, you can lightning both the troops and the mortar at once, doubling up on your damage output!

2. Check the Replay
Once everyone’s done their first raid, it’s a good time to take a step back and see what your next target should be. Again, calling your second target early is a good idea, so everyone knows where you’re planning to invest your second attack.

Clash of Clans Clan Wars Tips: Check the Replay!

The most powerful thing you have at your disposal is the replay from the best attack against each base. Remember that the enemy can no longer make changes to their War Base or their Clan Castle, so whatever traps and troops you see in the replay are what you’re going to get during your second attack. You can often find out where their Hidden Teslas are, for instance.

If you see some powerful Clan Castle troops, you might change up your strategy somewhat to deal with them.
3. Scout Early & Call Your First Attack
During preparation day, you can view the enemy bases. The best thing you can do is to pick your top bases to raid. Once you’ve done this, let your clan know. Make sure everyone has a unique target for their first raid.

Remember that only the best attack against a given base counts. Thus, if you and another clanmate both decide to use your first attack on the same enemy, chances are good that stars are going to go to waste.

Scouting early also allows you to plan your attacking forces and request the appropriate troops for your clan castle to use during the raid.

Sometimes it helps to plan out your attack during preparation day, train up the troops you plan to use, and then find a base like the one you plan to raid and test out your strategy. Did you manage to break enough buildings for 1 star? Did you manage to get to their town hall? If not, you might have to rethink your troop mix or your attack strategy.
4. War Base Management
The War Base is just a copy of your normal base by default. It’s important that you customize the layout of your war base, especially to protect your Town Hall. You’re likely to be up against at least a few players who are significantly higher level than you, and chances are they have access to troops that you normally wouldn’t see attacking your base.

I also suggest creating zones for your defenses. Don’t put all your mortars inside the same wall, for instance. This leaves you vulnerable to Giant assaults. You should also carefully place air defenses so that all the possible routes into the center of your base are covered. Otherwise, it may be possible for a smart attacker to send air units past some of your more challenging defenses in order to take your Town Hall or critical defensive structures out with ease.

While you’re setting up your War Base, you can also request troops to defend it. Unlike troops you request from your clan normally, these troops are not used up when your War Base is raided. They will defend your Clan Castle repeatedly, even if they are defeated in previous raids. Also remember that you can kick out troops from your War Base’s Clan Castle if they’re not what you want.  

5. Know Your Goal
The goal in Clan Wars is simple – stars. You need to get stars in order to win. Resources don’t matter at all. This can be a difficult thing to deal with, as most of the raiding you do in Clash of Clans is generally focused on resource raiding rather than for acquiring trophies. Thus, you’ll want to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Remember what you get stars for:

    > Destroying the enemy Town Hall
    > Destroying 50% of the base
    > Destroying 100% of the base

Most mid-level bases don’t have enough walls to protect all of their buildings. Thus, it can be pretty easy to get just one star on an attack – a lot of the buildings will be located in underprotected areas, or even out at the edges where nothing is defending them.

Usually people will outfit their war bases so their Town Hall is at the center of their base. Thus, it tends to be the second easiest star to get. If you can manage to get into the center of the base, it’s generally yours.

Clash of Clans Clan War Tips: Town Hall!

Common Mistake! I see a lot of people get 75% or more damage to a base without getting a second star. Usually this means you trashed more of the base than you needed to in order to hit the town hall. Most troops will attack whatever is closest, and those that have a preferred target don’t tend to target town halls. Strategic troop dropping is key. What I try to do is drop troops so that I create a “wedge” into their base, stripping a slice of their base to the studs. Then I can drop some ranged units (like archers) so that their closest target is the town hall. This means you’re going to have to save some troops until late in the fight, but when every star counts it can help a lot.

Finally, completely crushing an opponent will net you that third and final star. This can be tricky to do, since the game tends to match clans at approximately the same power level. Thus, the chances that you will completely outmatch your opponent are relatively low unless you’re the most powerful person in your clan.

Jumat, 11 April 2014


PASKAH identik dengan telur dan kelinci. Namun ternyata, berbagai penjuru dunia memiliki tradisi yang berbeda-beda dalam merayakan hari suci umat Kristiani ini.

Simak ulasannya berikut ini, seperti dikutip dari Reuters:


Minggu Paskah di Argentina dirayakan dengan mengonsumsi telur paskah serta berbagi kue khas perayaan ini yaitu Rosca de Pacua. Menurut tradisi Argentina, bertukar telur tidak hanya harus dilakukan oleh keluarga, namun juga bersama teman dan kolega lainnya dengan acara puncak makan bersama keluarga besar. Argentina merayakan hari kebangkitan Kristus dengan acara barbekyu serta berburu harta karun yang diselenggarakan pemerintah di kota-kota besar negara ini.


Gereja Ortodoks Yunani mengikuti kalender Bizantium, jadi tahun ini Minggu Paskah jatuh pada 15 April. Di Athena, Jumat Agung menandai acara utama pertama di mana replika makam Kristus dibawa melalui kota.

Malamnya, penduduk kota berduyun-duyun datang ke gereja saat tengah malam dengan membawa lilin, menyalakan kembang api, dan membunyikan lonceng tanda gembira. Tradisi telur paskah di Yunani cukup unik, Mereka akan saling mengetuk telur dengan telur lain milik tetangganya dan memecahkannya agar membawa keberuntungan.


Di Libanon, saat Paskah Anda akan melihat jalan-jalan dan restoran dipenuhi dengan hiasan dan
dekorasi Paskah, seperti cokelat berbentuk kelinci, telur berwarna-warni, dan anak ayam. Hidangan Paskah di Lebanon adalah domba, telur, serta permen khas yang disebut Maamoul.


Paskah di Skotlandia adalah saatnya bersantai dan menghias telur. Warga Skotlandia akan merebus telur kemudian mengecat kulitnya dengan berbagai warna, membawanya ke atas bukit saat Minggu Paskah, kemudian menggulingkannya ke lereng bukit.

Seville, Spanyol

Sevilla di Andalucia adalah wilayah Spanyol yang paling terkenal untuk perayaan Paskah. Seville meiliki 52 persaudaraan keagamaan yang berbeda dan gemar berparade di jalanan untuk merayakan pekan penyaliban. Prosesi ini berlangsung selama 24 jam yang puncak acaranya adalah perayaan kebangkitan dengan menari-nari di jalanan, melempar bunga, serta memakan kue manis tradisional Seville.


Tomat menjadi salah satu jenis makanan sehat yang mempunyai sedikit penggemar. Padahal tomat adalah buah yang kaya akan nutrisi dan zat anti oksidan yang dapat membantu Anda untuk memerangi beberapa jenis penyakit serta mampu meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan tubuh Anda secara keseluruhan.

Selain itu, berikut adalah alasan kenapa Anda perlu untuk mengonsumsi tomat lebih rutin.

1. Meningkatkan penglihatan
Vitamin A yang terkandung di dalam tomat mampu membantu meningkatkan kualitas penglihatan Anda dan juga menghindarkan Anda dari penurunan fungsi penglihatan seperti katarak, glukoma, atau rabun senja.

2. Membantu melawan kanker
Menurut sebuah penelitian, tomat mengandung salah satu antioksidan yang disebut dengan lycopene. Zat ini efektif untuk menurunkan resiko kanker terutama kanker paru-paru, kanker lambung, dan kanker prostat.

3. Menjaga kesehatan darah
Tomat mengandung vitamin A, vitamin C, potasium, dan zat besi yang sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan darah. Selain itu vitamin K yang terkandung di dalamnya mampu menjaga sirkulasi darah dan mencegah pembekuan darah.

4. Mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung
Lycopene yang terkandung di dalam tomat tidak hanya mampu menghindarkan Anda dari kanker, namun juga mampu melindungi jantung Anda. Mengonsumsi tomat secara teratur membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol dan mengurangi pengendapan lemak di pembuluh darah.

5. Baik untuk pencernaan
Mengonsumsi tomat secara rutin setiap hari baik untuk kesehatan pencernaan Anda sebab tomat mampu mencegah penyakit sembelit dan diare. Selain itu tomat juga efektif untuk mencegah penyakit kuning dan mampu menghilangkan racun dari dalam tubuh.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Jumat, 04 April 2014


Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya akan buah-buahan dan rempah-rempah. Salah satu buah yang sangat bermanfaat dan bergizi yaitu tomat. Buah ini dapat diolah menjadi masakan yang lezat, namun dapat pula di olah menjadi masakan tambahan yang merupakan makanan khas Indonesia, itulah SAMBAL.
Berikut resep beberapa sambal lezat:

1. Sambal Jahe

Sambal jahe yang pedas merangsang cocok untuk ikan bakar. Carilah jahe yang sedang, tidak terlalu tua dan terlalu muda.

Bahan :

5 siung bawang merah, dibakar
1 siung bawang putih dibakar
4 rimpang jahe ukuran sedang, diparut, atau diiris dan diulek terasi secukupnya
10 cabai rawit atau sesuai selera
1 cabai merah atau sesuai selera

Cara membuatnya :

Semua bahan dihaluskan, tambahkan gula dan garam, bila suka tambahkan sedikit kecap manis.

2. Sambal Dabu-dabu

Bahan :

5 siung bawang merah
1 tomat segar yang setengah matang dan masih keras
10 cabai rawit
1 jeruk nipis/ jeruk limau
gula, garam, dan penyedap rasa

Cara membuatnya :

Iris-iris semua bahan, panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya sampai mendidih, guyurkan pada bahan-bahan tersebut. Peras jeruk nipis/limau sebelum dihidangkan. Cocok dengan ikan bakar.

3. Sambal bajak
Bahan & bumbu ditumis:

Cabe merah utuh
Bawang merah utuh
Tomat merah ukuran sedang-kecil
Terasi, sangrai
Minyak untuk menumis secukupnya
Bumbu lainnya:
Gula merah, disisir
Air asem jawa
Garam secukupnya

Cara membuat:

Tumis cabai merah, bawang merah dan tomat hingga layu, tuang kedalam ulekan, bubuhi terasi, gula merah dan garam sesuai selera, haluskan sambil diberi air asem jawa.

Sambel bajak enak buat temen makan apa aja misal ayam goreng atau bakar berserta lalapan.

4. Sambal kacang


Segenggam kacang tanah yang sudah dikupas, lalu sangrai
Udang kering, rendam air mendidih hingga lunak, tiriskan (haluskan)
Cabe piri-piri sbg pengganti cabe rawit ijo
Bawang putih
Gula merah
Gula pasir sbg pengganti bumbu penyedap
Air mendidih
Cuka secukupnya

Cara membuat:

Tumbuk bahan sambal kacang (jangan terlalu halus, jadi masih bergerindil dikit), tuang air mendidih dan bubuhi cuka masak, aduk rata, cicipi, siap dijadikan teman penyantap otak-otak juga mie goreng.

5. Sambal kecap


Bawang merah, cincang kasar
Cabe rawit, potong-potong
Gula pasir sedikit sbg penyedap
Kecap manis
Jeruk nipis pengganti jeruk sate / jeruk limau bisa diganti cuka
Tomat, potong-potong

Cara membuat:

Dalam mangkuk campur jadi satu bawang merah, cabe rawit dan bubuhi gula pasir, aduk rata, masukan kecap manis, beri perasan air jeruk nipis, aduk rata lalu masukan potongan tomat.

6. Sambel ebi  

Bahan :

½  kg Ebi / udang kering Garam secukupnya
Gula pasir = secukupnya
5 siung bawang putih diiris tipis
25 buah cabe rawit
Cara membuatnya ::
Ebi digoreng sampai matang, haluskan atau ulek dengan cabe rawit, bawang putih, gula dan garam. Aduk sampai rata.

7. Sambal Tomat


1 kg tomat merah matang, potong-potong
1 sdt terasi matang
garam seperlunya
1 sdm gula merah
50 ml air
4 siung bawang merah, iris
3 sdm minyak sayur untuk menumis
Bumbu halus
3 siung bawang putih
3 buah cabe merah, tambah untuk lebih pedas

Cara membuat:
Tumis bawang merah sampe harum. Masukkan bumbu halus dan tomat, aduk sampai tomat hancur. Masukkan garam, gula, dan terasi, aduk terus sampe susut dengan api sedang. Siap disajikan

8. Sambel Ijo

Bahan :

Cabe hijau pedas/keriting secukupnya iris2
1 siung bawang putih iris halus
2 siung bawang merah iris halus
Garam secukupnya
Gula secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara membuat:

Panaskan wajan masukan minyak goreng tumis bw putih dan bw merah hingga
harum,masukan cabe hijau dan semua bumbu sampai semua layu…

9. Sambal Terasi


8 buah cabai rawit, direbus
5 buah cabai merah, direbus
1 sendok teh terasi, dibakar
1/4 sendok teh garam

Cara Membuat:

Ulek semua bahan sampai lembut. Masukkan ke dalam mangkuk lalu sajikan.

10. Sambal Taoco


5 buah cabai rawit
3 buah cabai merah
3 sendok makan ebi sangrai
100 gram taoco
1 sendok makan gula merah
400 ml air
Minyak goreng untuk menumis

Cara Membuat:

Haluskan bahan sambal lalu tumis dalam minyak goreng sampai matang. Tuang kaldu dan masak sampai mendidih.

11. Sambal Cabai Goreng


Minyak goreng
100 g cabai merah
10 buah cabai rawit
6 butir bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
½ sdt terasi goreng
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula pasir

Cara membuat:

Panaskan minyak, goreng cabai merah, cabai rawit, bawang merah dan bawang
putih. Angkat dan tiriskan. Haluskan cabai dan bawang bersama terasi dan garam

12. Sambal Mangga


1 buah mangga muda, buang bijinya, potong2 kotak 2 cm
5 cabai merah
2 sendok makan ebi, rendam air panas selama 15 menit
3 cm terasi bakar (1 sdt terasi bubuk)
garam secukupnya

Cara membuatnya:

Cabai, terasi dan garam digerus, masukkan ebi yang sudah dicuci, gerus sampai semua bahan tercampur rata. Lalu masukkan mangga. Tumbuk kasar sampai mangga agak hancur, aduk rata dan sajikan.
Sajikan sebagai teman makan nasi dan ikan asin goreng.

GTA San Andreas merupakan game yang disenangi banyak kaum remaja di dunia. Karena game ini membuat para remaja menikmati rasanya kebebasan.

nah langsung aja..
ini dia kode-kode GTA San Andreas for PC:

Hasil CheatKode Cheat
Efek andrenalinmunasef
Lalulintas agresifylteicz
Semua mobil memiliki nitrous speedfreak
Waktu selalu 00:00 atau 12:00xjvsnaj
Waktu selalu pukul 21:00ofviac
Armor, darah dan Uanghesoyam
Pesta pantai dimana sajacikgcgx
Lalulintas pemukulbgkgtjh
Semua mobil berwarna hitamiowdlac
Rahmat di kepalamubagowpg
Mobil akan melayang jika ditabrakbsxsggc
Kekacauan di kotaiojufzn
Melompat tinggikangaroo
Cucaca berawanalnsfmzo
Bunuh diriszcmawo
Mobil mautjcnruad
Menghancurkan semua mobilcpktnwt
Gerakan cepatspeeditup
Kapal/perahu terbangflyingfish
Mobil terbangripazha
Cuaca berkaburtcfvfgmj
Gang dan pekerjamroemzh
Hanya gang yang ada dikotabifbuzz
Hitman level di semua senjataprofessionalkiller
Amunisi tak terbatasfullclip
Nyawa tak terbatasbaguvix
Mobil invisible/transparanxicwmd
Kinky themebekknqv
Mengurangi wanted level asnaeb
Kontrol senjata manual di mobilouiqdmw
Lompatan BMX yang tinggicjphonehome
Badan gemukbtcdbcb
Nafas tak terbatas di dalam aircvwkxam
Badan berotot seperti Ade Raibuffmeup
Respect maksimumworshipme
Seruan seks maksimalhelloladies
Kemampuan menyetir naturalnaturaltalent
Badan normal kvgyzqk
Tidak pernah laparaeduwnv
Pejalan kaki seperti Elvis Persleybluesuedeshoes
Pejalan kaki menyerang denga senjatabgluawml
Pejalan kaki memiliki senjatafoooxft
Pejalan kaki saling serangajlojyqy
Kemampuan menyetir maksimalpggomoy
Semua mobil berwarna pinkllqpfbn
Wanted level bertambah 2 bintangosrblhh
Merekrut seseorang dengan pistolsjmahpe
Merekrut seseorang dengan rocket
Mengurangi lalulintasghosttown
Tema pedesaanbmtpwhr
Lalulintas pedesaanfvtmnbz
Cuaca dengan badai petircwjxuoc
Wanted level dengan enam bintangbringiton
Gerakan lambatslowitdown
Memunculkan Bloodring Bangercqzijmb
Memunculkan Caddy rzhsuew
Memunculkan Dozereegcyxt
Memunculkan Hunterohdude
Memunculkan Hydrajumpjet
Memunculkan Jetpackrocketman
Memunculkan Monstermonstermash
Memunculkan Parachuteaiypwzqp
Memunculkan Quadakjjyglc
Memunculkan Racecarpdnejoh
Memunculkan Racecar 2vpjtqwv
Memunculkan Rancherjqntdmh
Memunculkan Rhinoaiwprton
Memunculkan Romeroaqtbcodx
Memunculkan Stretchcelebritystatus
Memunculkan Stunt Planeurkqsrk
Memunculkan Tankeramomhrer
Memunculkan Trashmastertruegrime
Memunculkan Vortexkgggdkp
Waktu berjalan lebih cepatysohnul
Lalulintas mobil sportgusnhde
Cuaca hujanauifrvqs
Cuaca badaimghxyrm
Cuaca cerahafzllqll
Pukulan superiavenjq
Misi taksi selesaivkypqcf
Lampu lalulintas hijauzeiivg
Cuaca sangat cerahicikpyh
Anti polisiaezakmi
Senjata 1lxgiwyl
Senjata 2kjkszpj
Senjata 3uzumymw
Tema Yakuzaninjatown

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

5 Ways to Become a Better Speaker
You’re asked to speak at an important event. It’s an incredible opportunity. You should be thrilled... but since you rarely speak in a formal setting, all you can think about is bombing.
The ability to captivate an audience is a skill that takes years to develop. If you don’t have that kind of time, here are five unconventional ways to become a better speaker almost overnight:

1. Find one thing no one knows.
I have never heard someone say, “I was at this presentation the other day... the speaker’s Gantt chart was amazing.”
I have heard someone say, “I was at this presentation the other day... did you know when you blush the lining of your stomach also turns red?”
Find a surprising fact or an unusual analogy that relates to your topic. Audiences love to cock their heads and think, “Really? I had no idea...”

2. Share a genuinely emotional story.
Many speakers tell self-deprecating stories. Many go farther, detailing their personal Tom Cruise "talk to me Goose" moment (1:45, NSFW) when all their bad decisions missteps and poorly timed flybys over an Admiral’s daughter finally came to a head... and they turned a corner and became the amazing person they are today.
Admitting a mistake is great, but not when used just to highlight how great you are now.
Instead tell a story (directly related to your topic) and let your emotions show. If you were sad, show it. If you cried, say so. If you felt remorse, show remorse.
When you share real feelings – which even the most inexperienced speaker can do – you create an immediate and lasting connection with your audience.
Genuine emotion trumps polish every time.

3. Pause for 8 to 10 seconds.
There’s a weird phenomenon that occurs when you stop talking. Pause for two or three seconds and the audience assume you lost your place. Pause for five seconds and the audience begins to think the pause is intentional... and starts wondering why.
Pause for ten seconds and even the people who were busy tweeting can’t resist glancing up.
When you resume speaking the audience naturally 1) assumes the pause was intentional and 2) decides you are in fact a confident and accomplished speaker. Like nature, a poor speaker abhors a vacuum and rushes to fill it, and only confident speakers—like you—feel secure in silence.
It will feel awkward the first time, but take one long pause and the audience will instinctively award you speaker bonus points.

4. Admit you don't know everything.
Speakers ask questions to engage the audience, but that technique is often forced and tends to work about as well as this.

Instead ask a question you know the audience can’t answer and then say,” That’s okay. I can’t either.” Explain why you can’t... and then talk about what you do know.
Most speakers have all the answers; the fact you don’t — and are willing to admit you don't — not only humanizes you, it makes the audience pay greater attention to what you do know.

5. Ditch the sales pitch.
Most businesspeople assume they should capitalize on a speaking engagement to try to promote a product or service, win new clients, and build a wider network.
Don’t. Thinking in terms of sales positioning only adds additional pressure to what is already a stressful situation.
Weed out the subtle and not-so-subtle sales stuff and focus solely on ensuring the audience benefits from what you say.
Don’t worry that you’ll miss an opportunity. When you help people make their professional or personal lives better you've done all the selling you ever need to do.



1. Adi Rahman Adiwoso – Penemu Teknologi Baru dlam Telepon Bergerak Berbasi Satelit
2. Alexander Kawilarang – Penemu kapal Ikan Bersirip
3. Arief Mulyana Djumra – Penemu Pamacu Produktivitas dan Kualitas Udang dan Ikan
4. Aryadi Suwono & Tim Peneliti ITB – Penemu Bahan Pendingin Baru yang Lebih Hemat Energi
5. Ayub D. Parnata – Penemu Bakteri Kompos Organik
6. B.J Habibie – Penemu Teori, Faktor dan Metode Habibie (teknologi Pesawat terbang)
7. Budi Noviantoro – Penemu Klip Penambat Bantalan Kereta Api dengan Dua Gigi
8. Dani Hilman Natawijaya – Penemu Indikator Alami (terumbu Karang) terhadap Siklus Gempa
9. Eddyman, Intan Elfarini & Kanaka Sundhoro – Penemu Obat Anti Nyamuk Alami dan Murah
10. Evvy Kartini – Penemu Penghantar Listrik Berbahan Gelas
11. Fuad Affandi – Penemu Pupuk Alami dari Air Liur
12. Herman Johannes – Penemu Tungku Berbahan bakar Briket Arang dan Dedaunan
13. I Gede Ngurah Wididana – Penemu Formula Minyak Oles Bokhasi
14. I Made Budi – Penemu Formula Sari Buah Merah Untuk Pengobatan
15. Lalu Selamat Martadinata – Penemu Alat Pemanggil ikan
16. M. Djoko Srihono – Penemu Penjernih Air Limbah
17. Maruni Wiwin Diarti – Penemu Senyawa Antimikroba dari Rumput Laut
18. Minto – Penemu Kompor dan Pengering Hasil Tani Dengan Tenaga Matahari
19. Mumu Sutisna – Penemu Hormon Penyubur Anakan padi
20. Mulyono Pangestu – Penemu Teknik Ekonomis Pembekuan Sperma
21. Neny Nurainy – Penemu Varian Virus Hepatitis B Indonesia
22. Puji Selamet Arif – Penemu Motor Listrik Hemat Anergi
23. Rahmania Zein – Penemu Teknik Pemisahan Cairan dalam Kecepatan Tinggi
24. Randall Hartolaksono – Penemu Formula Kimia Pemadam Api Ramah Lingkungan
25. Rizal & Jufri Sahroni – Penemu Penghemat Bahan Bakar Diesel
26. Robert Manurung – Penemu Minyak Jarak Murni
27. Saverius Nurak – Penemu Mesin Pompa Tangan Berkekuatan Tinggi
28. Sutjipto & Ryantori –Pnemu Konstruksi Pondasi Sarang Laba-laba
29. Sutrisno – Penemu Alat Perangkap Lalat Buah
30. Sedijatmo – Penemu Konstruksi Pondasi Cakar Ayam
31. Septinus George Saa – Penemu Rumus Penghitung Antara Dua Titik Ragkaian Resisitor
32. Sofin Hadi – Penemu Metode Cincin utnuk Sunat tanpa Sakit
33. Sri Wuryani, Mustadjab, Euis M. Nirmala, Siwi Herdiastuti – Penemu Pengawat Aroma Dalam Hampa
34. Tjokorda Raka Sukawati – Penemu Landasan Puat Bebas Hambatan Sosrobahu
35. Warsimin Adiwarsito – Penemu Marmer Buatan
36. Widowati Siswomihardjo – Penemu Bahan Baru untuk Gigi Aplsu yang Lebih Aman Dan Murah
37. Windu Hernowo – Penemu Penghermat Bahan Bakar Mesin
38. Yanto Lunardi Iskandar – anggota Tim Penemu HIV & Metode Peningkatan Hematopoiesis
39. Yudi Utomo Imardjoko – Penemu Kontainer Limbah Nuklir
40.Zahlul Baharuddin – Penemu Zahlul Integrated Unit ( Desain Sistem Efesiensi untuk Prosuk Kimia / Obat)